Morning Sun Café - 아침해 카페
Dear Dad/Grandpa,
Congratulations on your
new personal website. I know it is a very important project to you and that you
put many long hours of work to make it a reality. The website has many
interesting articles, facts, and other materials that people may find
entertaining and educational. It is also a great way to share your thoughts and
experiences with family and friends. Not only will it keep you busy to just
maintain the site, it will also keep your mind sharp and invigorated with new
ideas to share with others.
It is amazing to see how
much you have progressed with your knowledge of computing and the internet. The
ability to have a dual-language site – English and Korean – is also something
unique and allows you to communicate to all of your family and friends. I think
the website is evidence that with hard work, determination, and an open mind,
you can accomplish many things that you may have never even realized. Of
course, you couldn’t have done it without help and guidance, so we would also
like to thank Stephen Cook for teaching you throughout the process.
We look forward to
seeing how the website grows and adapts with the future. We are very proud of
you and your accomplishment!
Dale, Lin, Allison, and Evalyn 아침해 카페 –변함없이 찾아 주셔서 감사 합니다
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